Renault Kardian

Renault’s New Urban SUV to be Called Kardian

In the world of automobiles, a name holds the power to shape the destiny of a new car model. Renault’s forthcoming global urban SUV needed a name that encapsulated vigor, agility, and international accessibility through distinct consonants. The result? The Renault Kardian.

Renault has unveiled the moniker for the vehicle that marks the commencement of its new global product strategy: the Renault Kardian. This upcoming Renault Kardian, poised to bolster Renault’s worldwide presence, is primed for its inaugural appearance in the Latin American market, following in the footsteps of the Alaskan and the Oroch, before embarking on a journey to various countries around the globe.

While details about the new model are scarce apart from its name, a tantalizing teaser video offers a sneak peek at the SUV’s taillights, hatch, and spoiler.

Renault Kardian
Renault Kardian

Crafting an impactful name was imperative for the future urban SUV, slated to debut first in the South American market. It needed a name that invoked both resilience and nimbleness while presenting internationally distinct consonants. But what is the story behind the name and the emotions it conjures? Sylvia Dos Santos, Model-Naming Strategy Manager at Renault’s Global Marketing Department, dissects the name syllable by syllable and letter by letter, unraveling the essence and associations behind the birth of this boundary-pushing model.

A customer’s connection with a car is invariably initiated by its name—the feelings and thoughts it evokes. In the realm of SUVs and crossovers, vehicle names often evoke potency and agility. Renault has established a tradition of sorts with several models commencing with a resonant ‘K’ sound: Koleos (2008), Captur (2013), Kaptur (2016), Kadjar (2015), Kwid (2015), and Kiger (2021). As the pioneer of an impending global lineup, the all-new Renault Kardian joins this lineage of robust and distinctive vehicle names.

However, the origins of Renault Kardian’s name are rooted in the English language. At first utterance, it resonates with “guardian,” embodying the concepts of safeguarding and resilience. The robust consonants—K, R, and D—reinforce this notion. Yet, there’s another powerful image conjured by the name. Sylvia elaborates, “The Renault Kardian also exudes dynamic agility. It draws parallels with ‘cardio‘—sports, momentum, and adrenaline.”

The name’s softer sounds introduce additional dimensions. Sylvia notes, “Its structure with two ‘A‘s—Kar-dian—hints at the vehicle’s security.”

Interestingly, even the word “car” emerges from the first syllable of Kardian, an ingenious touch of symbolism. “This vehicle encapsulates Renault’s global Renaulution—a name that evokes technology, security, driving pleasure, and agility,” Sylvia adds.

Lastly, how is Kardian pronounced? “We’ve opted for the French pronunciation, as Renault is quintessentially French—a touch of the French essence,” Sylvia concludes.

Kardian’s Role in the Renaulution Growth Strategy

In January 2021, the Renault Group revealed a pivotal strategic plan—the ‘Renaulution‘—designed to ignite the company’s resurgence and future expansion. The blueprint encompasses the introduction of 24 new vehicles by 2025, including a substantial expansion of Renault’s electric vehicle range, diversification of the budget brand Dacia’s lineup, and the transformation of Alpine into a fully electric performance brand.

The Renaulution is built on the foundation of the group’s ongoing recovery and growth strategy, segmented into three phases. The initial ‘resurrection‘ phase, active until 2023, concentrates on bolstering the company’s margins and cash generation. The subsequent ‘renovation‘ phase, spanning until 2025, emphasizes revitalizing the lineups of key brands within the group to amplify profitability.

Once these milestones are achieved, the ‘revolution‘ phase, commencing in 2025, will reshape the company’s business model towards “tech, energy, and mobility.” This shift will prioritize electrification and novel mobility concepts.

The Renault Group outlines that under this new strategy, the focus will pivot from solely maximizing market share and sales to prioritizing profitability, revenue generation, and investment efficiency. The goal: enhancing operational margins by 2025 while streamlining investments in research and capital expenditure.

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