e-Rickshaw Spare Parts

List of e-Rickshaw Spare Parts in details

E-rickshaws are becoming an increasingly popular mode of transportation in India. They are eco-friendly, cost-effective, and convenient. However, like any vehicle, e-rickshaws require regular maintenance and repairs. In this article, we will explore the essential spare parts for e-rickshaws.

e-Rickshaw Spare Parts
e-Rickshaw Spare Parts


The battery is the heart of an e-rickshaw. It provides the energy needed to run the motor and other electrical components. A good quality battery is essential for the smooth functioning of an e-rickshaw. It is recommended to use a high-quality lithium-ion battery for better performance and longer life.


The motor is another essential component of an e-rickshaw. It drives the wheels and provides the necessary power for the vehicle. The motor can be either brushed or brushless, and its power output varies from model to model. It is important to choose a motor that is compatible with the e-rickshaw and has a sufficient power output.


The controller is the brain of an e-rickshaw. It controls the speed, acceleration, and braking of the vehicle. A good quality controller is essential for the smooth functioning of an e-rickshaw. It is recommended to use a controller that is compatible with the motor and battery of the e-rickshaw.


The brakes are essential for the safety of an e-rickshaw. They help the driver to stop the vehicle in case of an emergency. The brake system can be either disc or drum, and it is important to choose a system that is compatible with the e-rickshaw.


The suspension system helps to absorb shocks and bumps while driving. It provides a comfortable ride for the driver and passengers. The suspension system can be either front or rear, or both. It is important to choose a suspension system that is compatible with the e-rickshaw and provides a smooth ride.


The tires are essential for the smooth functioning of an e-rickshaw. They provide traction and grip on the road. It is important to choose tires that are compatible with the e-rickshaw and provide good performance on different types of roads.


The lights are essential for the safety of an e-rickshaw. They make the vehicle visible in low light conditions and help the driver to see the road ahead. The lights can be either LED or halogen, and it is important to choose lights that are compatible with the e-rickshaw.

List of essential e-rickshaw spare parts:

  1. Battery
  2. Motor
  3. Controller
  4. Brakes
  5. Suspension system
  6. Tires
  7. Lights (LED or halogen)
  8. Wipers (for e-rickshaws with windshields)
  9. Horn
  10. Rearview mirrors
  11. Accelerator pedal
  12. Brake pedal
  13. Throttle
  14. Fuse box
  15. Wiring harness
  16. Key switch and ignition
  17. Charging port and cable
  18. Seat cushions and covers
  19. Body panels and trim
  20. Rear cargo carrier.

These are just some of the essential spare parts for e-rickshaws. It’s important to choose spare parts that are compatible with the make and model of the e-rickshaw and to use high-quality components for better performance and safety.


E-rickshaw spare parts are essential for the maintenance and repair of these vehicles. A good quality battery, motor, controller, brakes, suspension, tires, and lights are essential for the smooth functioning and safety of an e-rickshaw. It is important to choose spare parts that are compatible with the e-rickshaw and provide good performance. By using high-quality spare parts and regular maintenance, e-rickshaws can provide a safe, eco-friendly, and cost-effective mode of transportation.

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